Camp Mariastella Summer 2025


July 14-18: Girls Camp (4 nights), July 21-26: Girls Camp (5 nights), July 27 - Aug 1: Girls Camp (5 nights), July 27: Family Picnic!

Please see the registration information and forms below. SCROLL DOWN TO MAKE PAYMENT ONLINE.

Please email or call (818) 285-1555 for more information.


2025 Summer Camp Dates – The location for all sessions is Rancho Ybarra in Tujunga Canyon. $300/session with scholarships available.

  • Session 1 – July 14 – 18 (4 nights) Girls Camp
  • Session 2 – July 21 – 26 (5 nights) Girls Camp
  • Session 3 -July 27 – August 1 (5 nights) Girls Camp
  • JULY 27: Family Picnic – 3 PM with Campers and Families
2025 Parent Letter– Please read for camp updates
2025-Camp-Registration-Form– Please complete the registration form and mail it in with the Health Information form and Income Eligibility if requesting Campership.
Health Information Form – Every Camper needs to complete 2 weeks before camp session
Campership Application – To request Campership (Camp Scholarship) assistance
Clothing and Equipment Checklist  – Things to pack for camp
Contact Camp Mariastella at to register or to make deposits or payments.  They can also be made via Paypal here.

Camp Mariastella Session Payments/Deposit


Mariastella’s program is designed to help nurture self-confidence, independence and creative decision-making. Everything a child does is part of the program at camp. Each major program activity has specialized program objectives

Outdoor Activities

Campers develop their outdoor living skills in campouts, fire building and outdoor cooking. Physical skills grow through hiking. Through nature-oriented activities campers explore the wonders of their environment, gaining a familiarity with the plant and animal life of the area and developing an appreciation and understanding for God’s marvelous creation.

Program Activities

Other program activities include spiritually oriented activities such as prayer and liturgy. These opportunities assist the camper in character building and the recognition of the ways in which the spiritual is integrated into the physical, mental, emotional and social elements of our lives. Mariastella’s program is designed to help nurture self-confidence, independence and creative decision-making. Everything a child does is part of the program at camp. Each major program activity has specialized program objectives.

Religion is an important experience of the summer, and all faiths are respected. There are opportunities to create prayer as part of the camp program, and weekly Catholic liturgies are celebrated. Campers take an active role in these times of prayer.

Water Sports and Games

Water sports and games include fun time in the pool and an opportunity for the camper to increase her confidence in the water through the development of swimming and water safety skills.

Arts Program

The arts program consists of both performing arts and arts and crafts. Since many campers have not had the chance to develop dramatic skills, camp provides a forum for the girls to express themselves in “free form”. In drama and dance, campers are encouraged to fantasize and explore their imaginations, then perform with others at campfire. The arts and crafts program satisfies campers’ artistic and creative side through work with a variety of materials.

Organized Games and Sports

Organized Games and Sports encourage team spirit and fun. Nonstructured activities and games are also offered.

Special Events

In addition to regular activities, special events also take place on various days and evenings. Each session, individual units may be out of their cabin area for an “under-the-stars” overnight, a memorable experience that combines hiking, outdoor cooking and outdoor camping. “All camp” events give the camper a chance to experience the unity of the camp as a larger group. There are also evening campfire programs where the whole camp family comes together to perform skits and other dramatic presentations.

Social Recreation

Events range from quiet games in the living areas to singing at campfires. Such activities build camp spirit and add fun to the day.

“In no other educational enterprise can the child have such continuous exposure to approved leadership, experience living closely with a small group of people where qualities of cooperation and consideration for others are the type of behavior that pays off, and be exposed to young adults who serve as models for the development of positive ideas and attitudes.”
Alice Van Krevelen

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