Leadership Development

Throughout the academic year, our campers within the ages of 11-14 will be invited to participate in Leadership Development. This program is focused on allowing the girls to continue to work with staff that they have formed bonds with during the summer.
The goal of this program is to reduce stress and enhance learning by: identifying areas of needed support and information.
This will be accomplished through discussion, art and recreational activities. Groups will be formed and meet both at camp and in the greater Los Angles area.

Mentoring/College/Tutoring Programs

The goal of the Mentoring/Tutoring program goal is to increase the academic ability and success of our campers. Each girl will be matched with a staff person that works in the summer program. Group meetings will take place both at camp and in the greater Los Angeles area. Through interactive, hands-on learning experiences, participants will develop essential college and career readiness skills, including: • College preparation (college tours, application guidance, and financial aid workshops) • Career exploration (job shadowing, workplace visits, and networking with professionals) • Skill-building workshops (STEAM activities, literacy development, and leadership training) Girls will work closely with mentors through three weekend retreats, providing focused, in-person engagement to work on college applications, essay writing, résumé building, and goal-setting. Additional mentorship will be available throughout the year via phone, email, and virtual meetings.
Each staff that volunteers as a mentor will receive training in appropriate relationships and tutoring skills.

Become a Leader/Mentor

If you are interested in participating in either the Leadership Development Program or the Mentoring/Tutoring Program, please e-mail Sister Jennifer at:

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